Local Area Guide: Things to do / Activities / Attractions

Use our Local Area Guide to find things to do at or near your vacation home. When you stay in our vacation homes you will find activities for people of all ages.
Maps with activities will be sent to you prior to your arrival. You can also ask in advance of your arrival for any particular activities possibly nearby.

  • relaxing areas
  • beaches
  • horse riding
  • restaurants to experience
  • whale watching
  • museums
  • churches
  • scuba diving
  • sailing
  • shopping
  • things to see around the island
  • walking trails around the island


Whale Watching

Check out the many companies for whale watching and swimming with the dolphins Ask us about the 20% discount.
Location: Ponta Delgada marina
Phone: (+351) 296 559 385

Horse riding

Instead of walking, try a day trip with the guided horses on the trails. They are near where we live and can arrange for one of the best activities to do .

Sport Fishing-deep or coastal

Want to catch the BIG one, Take a coastline fishing trip or deep sea day trips Contact many of the fishing boat companies at the marina.


Diving in Sao Miguel area is a paradise-diving in caves and wrecks . The more experienced divers, there are excursions to take.

Golf courses

Sao Miguel has 2 golf courses-Batalha golf course (about 10 km from Ponta Delgada with 27 holes and Furnas golf course with 18 holes about 30 km from Ponta Delgada. Both are in excellent condition for the avid golfer.